Wednesday, June 29, 2005

What is it About

Back in March, March 2, 2005, to be more specific, I was on my way to Chicago in the car. Normally I take the train, but since I was to give a presentation on my "Immigration Project" at St. Xavier University later that day, I borrowed my husband’s car. I had tuned into NPR for educational listening while sitting in the hour-long traffic.

I did not expect to get inspiration for my new project broadcasted through national radio, but that is what happened. The next thing I know, I am listening to a program about a new pilot program, launched by the Department of Homeland Security. This pilot program, taking place in seven cities across the US, demanded immigrants with a pending case to wear an electronic ankle bracelet.

The story can be found here:

In the following months, I researched the internet, especially the Department of Homeland Security’s website to gain any further knowledge about the pilot project, but also other forms of surveillance. During my stay here at the ACA, I am going to continue my research and create visuals in response to my discoveries. I have equipped myself with a “placebo electronic bracelet” and I will in the following weeks also be documenting my daily activities with the bracelet in text and images.